Female tanning doubts
Are you on period? Two lines have just appeared on your pregnancy test? Are you breastfeeding? No matter which (female) condition of the above concerns you, keep on reading to find out if tanning in a salon is a good idea. All about your tanning doubts!
Tanning doubts
Tanning on your period
Menstruation is listed as one of the tanning contraindications in the majority of tanning salons. Why? This is mostly because for the sake of preventing from negative consequences of overheating the body while tanning. Each and every organism reacts differently to such conditions but in some cases a prolonged exposure to warmth emitted by the lamps can lead to attenuation, fainting or, in extreme cases, to hemorrhage. However, as far as we know from our experience, many women decide for a tanning session when their period is coming to an end, when the consequences mentioned above are far less likely to occur.
To read more about the hygiene in a tanning studio, please click here!
Can a breastfeeding mum get a tan?
You might be wondering if tanning is something you should do when you nurse a baby. Well, the answer is not that clear. First of all, if you have any doubts, ask your physician. When it is not likely to put you in any danger, take a few issues into account before you schedule an appointment or lay your body down on a tanning bed.
Your breasts are a highly sensitive body area that needs to be properly protected, especially during the lactation process. Use a high SPF sunscreen to shield your skin from UV rays, and avoid tanning topless. Make sure that your nipples are covered with UV-protective clothing or sunscreen specifically designed for sensitive areas. This is the only way to ensure they do not get burnt, and breastfeeding does not become a painful experience afterward.
Additionally, if you’re opting for an outdoor tan, consider limiting your exposure during peak sun hours and apply broad-spectrum sunscreen to other exposed areas.
To sum it up: if you are not fully sure if you can get a tan while breastfeeding, ask your doctor. In any case, pay special attention to protecting your nipple area with proper sunscreen, UV-protective swimwear, and consider safer alternatives like sunless tanners or tanning lotions.
Tanning while pregnant?
Pregnancy is a time of a woman's life when she should give up on tanning. There are a few reasons for that. First of all, during that special period of time female body goes through a real hormonal revolution. It often happens that even the most basic and well-known procedures can bring about completely new reactions. Such can be the case with tanning; if your skin absorbed UV rays easily and turned beautifully dark, this may be no longer the case when you are expecting a baby and your may be more prone to rash, burns and discolorations, such as the dark vertical line on the belly, known as linea nigra.
Some specialists point out the relation between tanning and the folic acid levels. The ingredient, which is widely supplemented to expecting women, is necessary for the unborn baby's brain, skull and spinal cord proper development. According to research, this folate is sensitive to UV light and gets easily destroyed under it, thereby losing its precious properties.
Is there any safe way to tan when I am pregnant?
We know that for people who tan regularly and enjoy it is hard to turn away from it. This is why we decided to create a tanning product which is fully safe for all women. Our SUNL'Essence Self Tanning Body Mousse, available in three varieties: two shades and 1 Hour Express version. It is full of 100% natural and organic origin ingredients which deeply nourish your skin. The foam is easy to apply, leaves no streaks or stains. What also sets it apart from other products in this category is a yummy caramel scent of 100% natural origin.
To put in a nutshell, safety first! No matter if you are pregnant, on your period or breastfeed.