How to get a face tan?
The skin of the face is exposed to a number of external factors. These factors speed up the appearance of imperfections, pigmentation spots and wrinkles. Does this mean you have to give up sunbathing entirely? Is tanning bad for your face? And how to tan your face in a tanning bed? Keep reading to find out!
Does face tanning make your skin age faster?
Forgetting about proper UV protection can have serious consequences. People who do not take care of their skin often struggle with pigmentation spots and notice a loss of firmness and elasticity. If you don’t take proper care of your skin, you're unknowingly making it age faster. That’s why it’s so important to moisturize regularly and use the right tanning lotions.
How to tan skin with freckles?
Many people think that covering their face with a towel or other material is enough to protect the skin from serious consequences. Nothing further from the truth! Yes, you will limit radiation that reaches your skin, but fabric alone will not provide enough protection. If you’re tanning out in the sun, it is worth reaching for sunscreen. We recommend using face moisturizers with high SPF not only on the beach, but also for every day. The market is packed with many lightweight cosmetics that are perfect to wear under make-up. But if you have a light complexion, then you must pay much more attention to sun protection. Too frequent and prolonged exposure to UV radiation can even result in burns!
How to get really dark and tan?
The best way to get naturally brown skin is to use special purpose face tanning lotions. Our offer features an Anti-Aging bronzing tanning lotion. As the name suggests, in addition to tanning properties, this face tanning lotion helps slow down the aging process. Green tea extract has got you covered when it comes to improving skin firmness, while cranberry and raspberry seed oil will take care of softness and give your skin a youthful glow.
Can you tan your face in a tanning bed?
There are no contraindications to avoid face tanning in a solarium. That said, you simply cannot forget about your daily skin care regimen. Moisturize regularly, use face scrubs once or twice a week (if you have sensitive skin, we recommend enzyme peels), and choose face tanning lotions rich in natural ingredients and vitamins. Give your skin only the best.