How to tan safety?
We all know UV radiation is what we need to get some tan or suntan. The sunbath process, however, is slightly more complex and involves different types of UV light. When the skin is exposed to UV radiation, melanocytes - cells in our skin - initiate the process of melanin production, responsible for the dark tint of our skin.
Ultraviolet light is classified into three categories, out of which only two types (UVA and UVB) contribute to the tanning process:
- UVA (315 to 400 nm), also known as black light, which causes tanning
- UVB (280 to 315 nm), which causes damage in the form of sunburn
- UVC (100 to 280 nm), which is filtered out by the atmosphere and never reaches us
What is the difference between them?
UVA, producing direct pigmentation, is the dominant tanning ray, which helps obtain the golden tan; it is present even during cloudy days. UVA light penetrates skin layers, reaching the connective tissue and dermis with the melanocytes, the melanin-producing cells. Melanin moves to the upper layers of the skin with the bloodstream. A chemical reaction which takes place there gives the cells a darker color, thereby turning the skin brown. Melanin can also be described as the body's natural way of protecting skin from burning; this explains why darker-skinned people tan more deeply and are less prone to sunburns than lighter-skinned people.
Indirect pigmentation, taking place with the presence of UVB light, can cause the skin turning red and, when in excessive amounts, can develop a sunburn. UVB differs in every place on Earth. One of the key benefits of UVB light is inducing the production of Vitamin D. A form of cholesterol found in our skin absorbs UVB ration and undergoes several processes to turn into Vitamin D which is essential for our health.
Both types of radiation are necessary to obtain the desired and longer-lasting results. While UVA enables quick-tan effect, UVB helps enjoy them for a longer time.
UVA and UVB rays reach different skin layers and contribute to different tan types.
How to look tan?
To a large extent tanning is an "ability" we inherit through genes, just the same way as the skin, eyes and hair color. How can we predict the effects tanning bed can have on our skin?
- The best way is to control the input. This can be done by adjusting the frequency and duration of the tanning session. Be sure you always use only professional and well-maintained equipment.
- Another good idea is enriching your diet in foods considered a valuable source of Vitamin A and beta-carotene, such as carrots or leafy greens.
- Never underestimate the power of proper skin care. Use a body scrub to get rid of dead skin cells before the tanning session and moisturize your skin with generous amounts of an after-tan lotion afterwards.
- Bear in mind one of the crucial functions of tanning lotions. They aim at shortening the length of the tanning bed session, even up to 40%, by providing your skin with an extra boost of tan accelerating, enhancing and deepening ingredients. As a result, even if your indoor tanning session is reduced by a few minutes, you can still enjoy the desired results.
For your convenience we grouped the indoor tanning lotions by their function. To speed up the tanning process, explore our intensifiers, formulated with tan accelerators and no bronzers. If you search for a product which can deepen the dark tan effect and help you see the results instantly, try out some of the bronzers; when using the white ones, the tan develops still for a couple of hours after the tanning session. Black bronzers contain so-called cosmetic bronzers which ensure a no-wait result. Additionally, you can have two in one when you apply a bronzing intensifiers, combining the features of both indoor tanning lotion types.
White tanning lotions
White lotion texture (with no colorants) of White Bronzers is a carrier of powerful amounts of DHA and erythrulose to give your skin long lasting bronzed results and an amazing color which continues to develop even for a couple of hours after the UV exposure.
- Powerful bronzers for instant and delayed dark tanning results
- Lightweight formula for a streak-free
- Beauty boosting benefits of Honey and Aloe for soft and hydrated skin
- Black Pearl, rich in minerals, delivers hydration and supports skin regeneration
- Effective antioxidant power of Black Rose for a youthful appearance and fighting the signs of aging
- Avocado, rich in vitamins A, E and D, helps revitalize your skin for a more flawless look
Black Bronzers feature high levels of natural and cosmetic bronzers to ensure no-wait and delayed insanely dark results. Perfect for advanced tanners and those who
- Ultra Bronzing Blend for fast, dark tan effect
- Cucui Oil sooths, calms and moisturizes your skin
- Hemp Oil provides proper hydration
- Pomegranate and Passiflora Extracts reduce signs of aging
- Caffeine helps fight cellulite and restores skin firmness
For maximum, dark tan results our Bronzing Intensifiers combine the properties of both bronzers and intensifiers. Powerful 2 in 1 blend accelerates the tanning process and simultaneously enhances the desired color.
- Double tan enhancing power of bronzer and intensifier
- B-Shape complex for skin’s improved appearance and reduction of body fat
- Luxurious Black Rose extract for wonderful hydration, incredible skin softness and firmness
- Refreshing power of Orange Blossom Rain
- Tamanu Oil, Peach and Melon extracts keep your skin perfectly hydrated
Powerful tanning intensifiers target melanin production and achieve fast, dark tanning results without the use of bronzers. Maximum results with no risk of streaks or stains.
- Avocado oil delays signs of aging
- Almond oil protects against skin damage
- Panthenol retains moisture deep within the skins tissues
- TyrosilaneTM stimulates melanin production and increases the effectiveness of the tanning process
- Aloe vera deeply moisturizes your skin and gives it a youthful appearance