How to tan with fair skin?
Are you dreaming about a natural tan or subtly sun kissed skin? Or maybe a deep dark bronze is what you’re after? If you have a light complexion and want to create that “back from an exotic vacation” effect, unfortunately it won’t be that easy. But there are ways for you to achieve the perfect tan. And we’re here to tell you all about it! How to tan with fair skin and freckles? Here's all you need to know!
Define your skin phototype
Tanning a fair complexion is quite the challenge. Light complexions catch the sun much slower, and usually turn red immediately after. On top of that, the “fair-skinned” are more prone to sunburns. So, what should you do to get a brown tan instead? How to tan without burning fair skin? Before anything else, you have to define your phototype. When speaking about a pale complexion, we usually mean the Celtic and Northern European phototypes.
The Celtic phototype is distinguished by pale skin and freckles on the face and body. “Owners” of the Celtic phototype have red or light blonde hair, and light blue or green eyes.
The Northern European phototype has a light complexion, sometimes with freckles. Hair is light or dark blonde, sometimes dark red. Women with the Northern European complexion have green, blue or gray eyes.
Choose the right form of tanning for you
Now that you know your skin type, you can choose the most suitable form of tanning for you. Be sure to learn about the dos and donts for both skin types. So how to tan pale skin?
Tanning with a Celtic phototype is no piece of cake, which is why we do not recommend that Celtic skin types enjoy the sun out in the open beach. But when it comes to tanning in a tanning bed, there are no contraindications. Just remember not to overdo it with the length of your tanning session. It’s best to consult the solarium staff.
The Northern European skin types also don't have it easy when it comes to getting a beautiful tan, but it’s still possible. A good alternative to sunbathing on the beach, where we have no control over the sunrays, is the solarium. Short (5-8 minutes) but frequent tanning sessions (2-3 times per week) can result in a perfect shade of brown skin.
The ideal solution for people with fair complexion is to reach for self-tanners or spray tanning.
Use tanning accelerators
Don't forget to choose the right tanning lotion for fair skin. Like we said before, fair-skinned people should cut down the time they spend on tanning to a minimum. And that’s where tanning accelerators come in! Reach for tanning accelerators to get gorgeous brown skin very quickly and... without any stains and streaks! – tanning accelerators usually have a white cosmetic mass.
Our personal favorite is Vibe tanning accelerator enriched with the innovative Rapid Tan formula (i.e., instant tan). The name speaks for itself, doesn't it? A short tanning session with the maximum effect of a natural, yet deep tan – that's what it's all about! But that’s not all! The combination of intensely moisturizing ingredients will keep your skin in good condition, even after frequent tanning sessions.
People with a fair complexion will love Sunphoria tanning lotion. Sunphoria has an ultra-light formula that absorbs very quickly ... Just as quickly as you will see your dark chocolate tan! On top of that, fruit extracts will nourish your skin and leave you with a wonderful fragrance after each tanning session! After all, who doesn't like exotic citrus?
If you have a fair complexion, you don't have to do without sunbathing! Just tan smart. Determine your phototype, choose the appropriate form of tanning for you, and use a tanning lotion to achieve that perfect result. Are you just taking your first steps in indoor tanning? Here are 8 tips for beginners [CLICK HERE]